Forbes magazine has published TOP rating of Baltic region's banks, including Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian leading financial institutions.
The Q3 2021 financial statement of Rietumu Bank and Rietumu Group has been published.
The Q3 2021 financial statement of Rietumu Bank and Rietumu Group has been published.
We would like to inform you that in accordance with the Regulations of the Financial and Capital Market Commission No. 227 “On Establishment of the Internal Control Framework”, on November 10, 2021, Sergejs Koleda was approved for the position of Chief Risk Officer of JSC “Rietumu Banka”.
The annual interest rate, which up to the present has been indicated in the loan agreements of Rietumu Banka, consists of two parts: variable and constant (fixed).
The Q2 2021 financial statement of Rietumu Bank and Rietumu Group has been published.