Digipass for Mobile for Rietumu Bank Clients is Now Available on iPhone

31 October 2014, 12:00
Rietumu Bank launches an upgraded mobile application for iPhone. Its chief novelty is a possibility of using the bank’s services safely, making all types of payments in more than 20 currencies and conversion without additional pendants or tokens.

In fact, currently both the solution and its implementation have no analogues – it is reliable, safe and user-friendly.

“From the viewpoint of the client, management of accounts with the use of the upgraded application for iPhone will be as comfortable and safe as before. These two principles – convenience and reliability, always form the foundation of each of our technological solutions and developments. The Digipass for Mobile has already proven its efficiency in other versions; now, in the same reliable and accurate way, it will secure the safety of remote banking with the help of iPhone,” noted the Senior Vice-president, responsible for IT and business technology, Eugene Dugaev.

As has been informed before, the system of identification by means of Digipass for Mobile has already been available to Rietumu Bank clients on iPad since August. The key advantages of this user-friendly and reliable solution are the convenience in operation for the user in combination with the highest level of protection and safety. Digipass for Mobile© is organically integrated into the iRietumu application and is a complete functional analogue of the physical device of identification used by the bank clients before. Digipass for Mobile can be obtained for one’s Rietumu ID by applying to one's personal manager.

The upgraded version of the application for iPhone also provides a new functionality: export of data from the current and card accounts in. pdf format and a possibility of ordering six types of reports for the investment account. These novelties are also now available for working with iPad.

The upgraded application under the name iRietumu HD is available for downloading from AppStore.

Shortly a version of the mobile internet bank Rietumu for devices on the Android platform will also be released.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]