Rietumu Banka has introduced euro as basic operation currency

14 March 2018, 16:54
As a result of recent circumstances in Latvian banking sector, managing board of the JSC “Rietumu Banka” decided that from now the basic operating currency on clients’ current accounts will be euro.

The clients are offered to exchange their dollar funds to euros as well as use these funds for payments. Specialists of the Bank shall provide all necessary support to the clients. The remaining USD funds will be converted to euros automatically.

The decision about changeover to euro as the basic operating currency on client’s current accounts has been taken allowing for the fact that support of functioning of payment in USA dollars may be troubled due to the reputational risk of Latvian banking system.

This decision will remain in force until the moment when the questions of international partners regarding risk of money laundering in Latvian banking system will be taken off the table and reputation of the system will be recovered.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

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Along with information on the structure and dynamics of the funds, the review contains the traditional analysis of the current political events and key economic factors that exert an influence on financial markets.

14 March 2018, 15:24 Products & Services