eCom21: Riga will turn into a business capital during the day and a bright celebration in the evening

16 November 2015, 12:00

This week, on 19th-20th November, Riga will host eCom21, the largest international e-commerce forum in the Baltics.

Its main topic was defined based on the global trends in the area of electronic commerce: Processing. Payment Acceptance. Evolution of E-Commerce. The participants of the forum face important goals: not only to discuss peculiarities of current e-commerce trends, but also to identify future ones, as well as to determine prospects of new formation – non-bank online institutions which can significantly change the payment business and challenge traditional banks.

The topic of the conference concerns all aspects of business activities: new solutions in the area of payment systems and traditional banks. Topical matters, which participants and the invited speaker intend to discuss, are another step towards the development of the e-commerce sector.

This conference has become a tradition and is being held for the fourth time. Hundreds of participants from the Baltic countries, Central, Eastern and Western Europe, Belarus, Russia and other CIS countries, Asia and other regions of the world visit this forum every year. The steering committee notes that “DECTA, a new Latvian processing centre, which joined the conference this year, helps to process all requests, issues invoices and accepts payments”.

Several great characters and authoritative speakers like Jon Matonis, the Founding Board Director of the Bitcoin Foundation, Simon Saneback, the leading Scandinavian expert on the e-Commerce industry, Valdimir Malugin, Chairman of the Board of PayPal in Russia, representatives of Alfa-Bank, Yandex.Money, PayOnline, QIWI Group, Bit Pay, WebMoney Europe, 2CheckOut, Unified Payments and other Russian and western market leaders will speak at the forum.

“We are delighted that our conference is an example of a combination of a saturated comprehensive agenda and the perfect opportunity to strike up and maintain business ties and contacts. Business leaders, private businessmen, top managers must attend conferences of such a scale to keep up with the trend of the latest solutions in the e-commerce area, as well as to scale their plans and results of activities”, Ilya Shevchenko, the Executive Director of eCom21, believes.

Speakers' speeches are broken down into day sections. On the first day, the following sections are planned: Banks vs non-banks; Take your e-wallet with you; Electronic payments: the future is now. A special evening programme for networking will help to discuss what you have heard. The second day will present sections: Legal framework of online finance; Landmarks and prospects of development of electronic payments. The results will be summarised on the second day during the closing ceremony of the conference.

The steering committee highlights that the invited participants and guests of the conference already started gathering in the capital over last weekend. It should be noted, that the participants are truly lucky, because Riga, along with all of Latvia, are celebrating their “birthday”, the day of proclamation of independence of the Republic of Latvia, on the eve of the conference. An extensive programme of cultural events and concerts is waiting for the Riga population and guests of the capital on 18th November. And in the evening, the joyful Riga will experience bright fireworks. So, participants of the conference will be able to see how a young and independent country celebrates its national holiday.

The dates of the festival also match those of Staro Riga, the festival of light. From 18th to 20th November from 6pm to 11pm, everybody will have the possibility to see the Old Riga and other city sights in a new “colour”, using state-of-the-art light and video technologies. This year the festival will be held under the sign of proclamation of the year 2015 Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

At part of the conference, an extensive and active cultural programme is planned for the participants, which will create a favourable atmosphere for networking. According to established tradition, the final gala dinner will be held on the second day of the conference. The steering committee of eCom21 has chosen the best sites in the city to organise its recreational events.

The conference is held under the patronage of Rietumu Bank and with support of the Association of Participants of the Electronic Money Market and Cash Transfers. Its general partner is ECommPay, an international provider of payment solutions. Its information partners are RBK, the Russian media holding, and, the financial portal.

Corporate Finance Advisors are responsible for technological support and uninterrupted Wi-Fi access during the conference. CFA offer a complex approach to the development of individual solutions for different areas of e-commerce, which includes the planning of the structure, the registration of companies, the opening of bank accounts and receiving necessary licenses.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]