Rietumu Gallery: Exhibition of Modern Design and Jewellery

16 December 2016, 12:00

A new exhibition has opened at the Rietumu Bank Gallery . An original project by the jeweller, Sergey Marinaki, the artist Irina Pomyanskaya, and the photographer Raimonds Klavins.

This exhibition marks the fifteenth anniversary of the creative development of the ARTMARS studio in Riga, which was established by the designer and jeweller, Sergey Marinaki, and the artist, Irina Pomyanskaya.

The ‘jewellery part’ of the project includes several collections. One of these is ‘Gloria’, which has received an award from the Russian magazine, ‘World of Jewellery’. After winning the award, the collection continued to be supplemented with new works, variations from silver, bronze, and semiprecious stones.

Another collection, the ‘Sushi for Geisha’ set (silver and wood), received an award at the art show in St Petersburg. The ‘San Lorenzo’ set (silver and wenge wood) has been exhibited at the Latvian Museum of Decorative Arts and Design. Besides this, the exhibition presents some works from the ‘Improvisation’ collection (silver, bronze, and semiprecious stones) and the ‘Gala’ collection, as well as works which triggered a new theme in the creative art of ARTMARS.

The original methods of working with silver prevail in the art of the designer and jeweller, Sergey Marinaki. Pieces of jewellery created by him are distinguished with a special treatment of their surface. Due to its micro texture, it fares well in the face of ‘traumas’, is subjected to cleaning and polishing, and does not require any coating. Sergey Marinaki works in the traditional technique and does not use 3D technology; this is why his work appears to be so human.
Installations by Irina Pomyanska which have been presented in the exposition are relief easel collage compositions. Their coloration is in accordance with the jewellery collection: shades of gold, silver, and patinated bronze prevail. Changes of lighting – morning or daylight, spotlight or night festive illumination – change the accents considerably.

What unites the work of Sergey Marinaki, the installations of Irina Pomyanskaya, and the photos of Raimonds Klavins?

‘It is rather the attention to textures and reliefs, the distribution of shadow and light on the surfaces, and a play of balance between improvisation and a planned result. And also, probably, it is a study of random processes, those which are unrepeatable and are set in place by a jeweller, a photographer, and an artist. This is the art of stopping a moment... The jewellery part of the exhibition is sinking into the recent past – these are Sergey’s works from previous exhibition projects, plus absolutely new, recently-made works.

Photo work by Raimonds Klavins, in this case, has been especially created for this exhibition. And a retrospection from our joint portfolio is demonstrated on the screen.

My works and installations are the result of my love of painting, art textiles, and sculpture. My intention was to fit them tenderly into the interior, not just any old way but with a monumentally decorative idea – the work must ‘hold’ the wall and, at the same time, should not dominate its surroundings,’ said Irina Pomyanskaya.

Sergey Marinaki

A graduate of the University of Latvia, Faculty of Law. Since 1998 he has been working in jewellery, as a master jeweller and designer. Since 2001 he has been engaged in original projects. He has participated in exhibitions and international art projects in Riga, Vilnius (Lithuania), Moscow, St Petersburg, and Omsk (Russia). His personal exhibitions were held in Riga (2005) and Moscow (2013). Winner of an award and special nomination from the ‘World of Jewellery’ magazine at the international exhibition, ‘Petersburg’s Jeweller’ (2010).

Irina Pomyanskaya

A member of the Union of Artists of Moscow. She graduated from Moscow Textile Institute, Faculty of Art. She has participated in exhibitions and international art projects in Lithuania, Denmark, the USA, Russia, Ukraine, and Latvia. Her personal exhibitions were held in Riga, Moscow, and New Jersey. She works in the technique of tapestry, mosaic, and textile painting. She handles painting, graphics, ceramics, and jewellery design. She worked in the workshops of the Centre of Monumental and Decorative Art of the Russian Art Foundation, at the Central Moscow Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. Her works are in the collections of Norton and Nancy Dodge (USA), MORA (Museum of Russian Art, USA), the Russia Art Foundation, Vrubel Museum in Omsk (Russia), the ‘East West Alliance’ international insurance company, and in private collections.

Raimonds Klavins

A photographer and designer. He has been engaged in photography since 1987. By uniting design and photography in his works, he strives to express his world outlook, considerations about the present, and making a step beyond the world of shapes, in order to have much more than any ordinary ‘scanning’ of reality, to be able to stop a moment and present it to others. He made trips to India, Tibet, Nepal, and Israel. Many of his works were published in the media. He has been a participant of thematic group exhibitions. His personal exhibition was held in Riga, in 2006 (at the Goya Gallery).

The ARTMARS Studio exhibition is open until 31 December - on weekdays, from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm. Admission is free. Rietumu Capital Centre, 7 Vesetas Street, Riga.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

On Rietumu’s working hours during Christmas and New Year holidays

26 December – holiday; the office of Rietumu Bank in Riga will be closed.

13 December 2016, 12:00 Products & Services