New Service – Import Accounting Documents into iRietumu

8 November 2018, 16:49

Please be informed on a new service available to corporate clients of the bank – documents import from an accounting program into iRietumu internet bank.

The service will make the client’s accountants work easier – payment documents prepared in an accounting program do not need to be made repeatedly in the internet bank.

All required payments may be imported into iRietumu as one group and then signed simultaneously with the help of the recently introduced package signature of payments.

Thus, new technologies help optimise business and reduce routine work to the minimum, this way leaving more time for the solution of important strategic and intellectual tasks. For the bank’s customers to fully use all technological advantages, Rietumu Bank will continue introducing advanced solutions further on.

Import of documents is available in XML formats ISO 20022 and FiDAViSta.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Discussion in Rietumu Bank on the Prospects of Financing the Aviation Business

The headquarters of Rietumu Bank has been the venue of a thematic business lunch of the Latvian Aviation Association “Financial Services and Insurance in Aviation”.

6 November 2018, 13:43 Products & Services