USD Bear Structured Notes

9 April 2009, 12:00

This is to inform that Rietumu Bank’s fully-owned subsidiary RB Asset Management has started a subscription to the new investment product – US Dollar Bear capital-protected structured notes (a financial instrument providing additional returns in case of USD devaluation). The Bank guarantees to pay back an initial investment amount as well as a minimum annual return of 2% to customers. In case of favourable market conditions, the note’s return can reach 7-22% and above.

Investment strategy is based on our forecast that US dollar is likely to undergo depreciation against its main competitor – euro in the nearest months. The evidence for this kind of forecast is rooted in the overall weakness of the American economy and its financial sector as well as the fact that the US dollar starts loosing its status of the world’s reserve currency.

The notes exposed to the US dollar depreciation will perfectly suit corporate entities, whose business operations are directly exposed to USD, as well as for private entities possessing US dollar assets and willing to invest them in risk-free instruments.

The subscription period to USD Bear Notes is held until 1 May 2009. The notes’ duration – 10 months, starting from 1 May 2009 to 5 March 2010. The minimum investment amount (the price of one note) equals USD 100 000.

For more detailed information on capital-protected structured notes as well as other investment products of RB Asset Management please visit our website or call us on +371 67025284.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]