This Year eCom21 Will Be Devoted to the “Human” Aspect of E-Commerce

28 June 2017, 10:23
On 16-17 November, the annual international eCom21 conference will be held in Riga. Professionals and leaders of e-commerce will gather together in the capital of Latvia for the sixth time to exchange their ideas about the market, debate on the future of the industry, discuss basic trends and ways required to take the lead.

Like before, geography of the participants is expected to be very wide. Companies and experts from Germany, France, Israel, the USA, Russia and other countries will be represented. The conference will be traditionally held with the support of Rietumu Bank (Latvia).

The organisers have named this conference E-Commerce HD⊃2;: Homo Digitalis in High Definition. Its cross-cutting theme is a person, his preferences and demands, personal data and their usage, satisfaction and safety. Also, how a person changes already established business models in e-commerce and related areas. And how new technologies allow the most farsighted persons to use the current changes or their benefit.

Basic subjects setting the agenda of the forthcoming conference are as follow:

1. A person in the focus of the ecosystem; why a people-oriented business will be given a considerable handicap.

2. Old players and new solutions: IoT, biometrics, mobile.

3. Cognitive technologies and Machine Learning: non-human capacities for human e-commerce.

4. How FMCG and e-commerce replace each other.

During discussions on and off the stage, as well as through the reports, the forum participants will talk about the preferable strategies and tactics to achieve success in the world, where a person is, among other things, exposed to a huge amounts of data and data are there to give more to a person or to receive more from a person. Different viewpoints on this subject will be represented – from the position of businesses, marketing, engineering analysis and even neurobiology.

Following the already established traditions, the practical focus of the conference will remain very strong. Key subjects and trends of the market will be discussed, as well as real business cases, including:

– AMLD, PSD2 and the common trade area of the EU: how the rules of the game are changing.

– How can customer experience be used to serve logistics?

– The weight of the intangible: digital goods and services.

– What are consequences of the transformation of banking services in the digital environment?

– What fintech products are urgently needed on the market?

– Blockchain and smart-contracts for e-commerce: not only payments?

– How do mobile stores change the industry and shopping habits of consumers?

All news and the current information are available on the website

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

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26 June 2017, 16:22 Products & Services