Riga Will Be the Venue of the Largest E-conference in the Baltics

28 September 2012, 12:00

On 14-15 November, Riga will be the venue of eCom21 – the largest conference in the Baltics devoted to topical issues and perspectives of e-commerce development. This business forum will be arranged under the patronage of Rietumu Bank.

The distinguishing feature of the upcoming conference will be not only its scale, but also the accent on practical aspects of the eCom business. The attention will be focused on trends of e-commerce market development, issues of tax burden reduction, structuring and increasing efficiency of e-commerce, creation of the optimal payment mechanism based on the European merchant account, as well as issues of safety, licensing, specifics of modern technological platforms and electronic money.

Apart from Rietumu Bank, the conference partners are the world leader of the instant payment market QIWI and the Russian processing company PayOnline. Representatives of these companies, as well as the biggest payment systems Visa and MasterCard will also participate as speakers in the forum.

“Development of e-commerce services for our clients is one of the priorities of Rietumu Bank. This is a business of the future – a business without borders, with minimum expenses and huge opportunities. We have tried to prepare a topical discussion platform in Riga, where industry professionals will be able to discuss issues which are significant for developing their businesses. I hope that eCom-21 will start a series of similar conferences and Riga, which has long since been performing the function of a regional business centre will gradually become the Baltic capital of e-commerce,” says the First Vice-president of Rietumu Bank Ruslan Stecyuk.

“We see large potential in e-commerce. Analysts of the Interactive Media Retail Group forecast that by the year 2013 the global volume of e-commerce will constitute USD 1.25 trillion. In view of such interest in online purchases on the part of consumers, such event as this conference is an absolute necessity. Meetings with big international players will allow for getting familiar with the existing European models of efficient partnership and increasing the quality of services. Whereas improvement of business processes and fresh ideas will make the e-commerce market more convenient and attractive for users,” comments Andrey Popkov, General Director of QIWI Wallet.

The conference will be attended by leading specialists and top managers of large online stores, software developers and sellers, representatives of payment systems and processing centres, service providers, technical and tax consultants, auditors from the EU countries, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel and the USA. The total number of the delegates will be 150-200.

Apart from the official part of the forum and master classes, considerable attention at eCom21 will be devoted to the creation of comfortable conditions for establishing business contacts and informal communication of the participants.

For more detail and registration visit ecom21.com.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

On payments in russian rubles

27 September 2012, 12:00 Products & Services