ReputationTime Conference Is Held in Riga This Week

10 May 2016, 12:00

In total, within the framework of a joint project with ReputationTime, several events are planned, among them being a master class “Why Leaders Have to Take Care of Their Reputation” and the conference, which will take place in Riga for the second time, on 13 May.

For the first time, the international European conference was held in Paris in January 2013. Since then it has proven to be the brightest platform for discussing problems and prospects in the reputational segment of management. The conference provides its participants with a possibility to look deeper in the concept of “reputation” and track mechanisms which are involved in this process, including based on the specific situation in the Baltic countries.

Monthly meetings in the club format, similarly to the one of 6 May, are established to support the correct inner determination and increase motivation of business people, while retaining the purely club format.

Within the framework of cooperation between ReputationTime and Rietumu Bank, a master class will be held in the bank premises on 12 May. Its moderator will be the internationally recognised expert in communications, ex-president in international relations of the IPRA Association Christophe Ginisty. The idea of this master class is to exchange experience and understand that for a present-day business, establishing and retaining business is one of the constituents of success.

“Nowadays not only markets but also competition has become global. Different cultures and different experience participate in this uneasy struggle, where technological achievements are just a tool, but one which needs to be mastered and used. Such seminars are great due to the fact that they provide Latvian entrepreneurs with practical skills and an understanding of how to act in order to win. There are many talents in Latvia, but they all require the corresponding faceting and the correct inclusion in the international global process,” says Senior Vice-president of Rietumu Bank Eugene Dugaev.

The conference organiser and the head of Nordic Reputation Institute Dagnija Lejina states, “One of the brightest driving forces in the field of reputation is the capability to undertake the leading role, inspire and contribute to positive changes. The technological revolution with its fast victories certainly has its influence, but they do not always turn out to be victories in the end. The need for strong leaders in business, politics and social life is increasing with every year.”

The conference ReputationTime – 2016 will take place on 13 May, the day after the master class, and will focus on leadership, qualities and specifics of a business leader, as well as will touch upon the subject of brands, will consider values of countries and territories and will help to understand how to behave in order to win and conquer people’s hearts. About 400 business leaders, professionals in communications and marketing, top managers of big companies and businesses, as well as talented students from the Baltics and Europe, will take part in the event.

The panel discussion will be held with the participation of leading businessmen and top managers of modern companies, including: Vice-president of L’Oreal Robert Salmon (France), Partner of Ketchum Rod Cartwright (Great Britain), ex head of Skype Sten Tamviki (Estonia), RB Rail Baiba A. Rubesa (Latvia), Mitya Aleshkovsky from the “Need Help” fund (Russia) and many others.

ReputationTime has been established so that invited speakers can inspire with their stories, as well as prepare people and their business for a different strategy with account of new technological opportunities. The conference, in cooperation with the management company in reputation “"Lejiņa & Šleiers”, is organised by the non-governmental organisation Nordic Reputation Institute, the official bank is Rietumu.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]