“September was favorable for commodities,” consider RAM Experts

12 October 2016, 12:00

Specialists of the Rietumu Group have prepared monthly performance report of Rietumu Asset Management investment funds for September. The report contains an analysis of key economic data, monetary policy, developments in stock, bonds and commodity market as well as recent experts’ comments.

“The abrupt swings in investors’ sentiment came together with changes in market expectations about the FED. As a result, financial markets ended the month on a positive note. Besides, China hosted G20 summit in September. Participating countries stated to favor international trade and innovation economics,” say RAM portfolio managers.

“China took an opportunity to lobby its mega-project One Belt, One Road – the grandiose plan to restore ancient Silk Road and build new maritime Silk Road. No doubt, an implementation of the infrastructure project would boost the world growth and region prospects. However, China still faces many hurdles and obstacles on its way,” note RAM experts.

The report highlights that September was favorable for commodities. Industrial metals showed decent growth and exceptional performance showed metallurgical coal. “However, Deutsche bank health issues raised questions about financial stability in Europe,” consider specialists of the Rietumu Group.

Financiers say that current environment of elevated uncertainty favors thorough research that might yield to astonishing investment opportunities.

The latest RAM report and experts’ commentaries can be found here.

Rietumu Asset Management (RAM) is part of Rietumu Bank, the leading private bank in Latvia. The company provides professional asset management services. RAM’s products and services are intended for a wide range of investors and are designed to meet the specific demands and needs of each customer. In the current market conditions, RAM’s specialists offer their customers the ability to reach an effective yield to risk ratio.

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Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
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