Hunting Season in the Rietumu Bank’s gallery

10 November 2015, 12:00

A personal exhibition named Hunting Season of Ilze Laizāne , a modern Latvian artist, opened in the Rietumu Bank’s gallery . The latest works created by the artist this year are presented there.

Ilze Laizāne graduated from the Latvian Academy of Arts several years ago, and has won popularity among art lovers at home and abroad. Over the last few years, she has participated in dozens of exhibitions and arts festivals across the world. She had over a dozen of personal exhibitions, and this is her second exhibition in the Rietumu Bank’s gallery.

In the artist’s work, you can feel the influence of classical art, the traditional themes of figurativeness and her affection for the heritage of the past. Her sketches are filled with the search for shapes, which is evidenced by the diversity of her numerous works, there is a fine sense of colour there. Ilze Laizāne’s imitative language is characterised by lightness, passion and strong emotions.

Following her own artistic instinct, Ilze Laizāne aspires to reinforce in her individual territory, which she defined for herself in art, preserving classical traditions: universal values, ideals of beauty and harmony.

If we talk about the current exhibition in the Rietumu gallery, the artist notes: “Autumn is one of the most intensive hunting periods. Yet women, contrary to cruel hunters, carry the feeling of love towards all the living as their main value. I believe that it is unacceptable to kill animals for you moral satisfaction, to entertain yourself. And capturing pictures of animals in their home environment, as well as observing them is indeed a true satisfaction”.

In her work, Ilze Laizāne sticks to the spirit of realistic tradition, drawing inspiration from the surrounding world and nature. She uses unusual technique in her works, which is a combination of a graphic image and oil. Saturated, overlapping colour combinations create an illusory sense of depth of space, where the exquisite energy of feminineness unfolds. All the canvases are thought-out and elaborated in detail, you can feel their author’s energy – harmony, emotion, sensitivity.

The exhibition of Izle Laizānes’s works in the Rietumu gallery will last until 11th December. The exhibition is open on weekdays from 9:00am to 6:00pm; admission is free.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]