“Indonesia: A World of Treasures”, A Photo Exhibition by Ebbie Vebri Adrian Unveiled At Rietumu Gallery, Riga

5 October 2018, 12:11

A photo exhibition by Ebbie Vebri Adrian, a renowned Indonesian travel photographer was unveiled at Rietumu Gallery, Riga. The exhibition is organized in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Stockholm.

The exhibition features 30 works by Ebbie Vebri Adrian, depicting the Indonesian richness in culture and beautiful nature. While taking photographs, Ebbie has explored more than 3.000 destinations in 300 islands of all 34 provinces in Indonesia. In his photographs he has documented Indonesian people, cultures, fascinating landscape, heritage, flora and fauna of Indonesia. Thus, the photographer expresses his love for his homeland.

In his words, Ebbie describes Indonesia as “the miniature of the world, where one can find so many fascinating landscapes and people. You can find there everything – from the biggest atoll, one of the world’s deepest lakes—lake Matano, the world’s biggest fort which is located in Bau-Bau, the tallest and the largest flower, one of the world’s seven summits and so much more”.

As known, the country is located in the South East Asia, consisting of more than 17.000 islands. Indonesia is also very diverse in terms of culture due to the 300 ethnic groups cohabitated the vast territory. Each of the ethnic groups has its own distinct cultures, languages and customaries.

The exhibition is open until 21 October on working days from 9:00 to 18:00.
Entrance is free of charge.
Address: Rietumu Bank's central office "Rietumu Capital Center", Vesetas street 7, Riga.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

A New Campaign on “Our Search for the Best Nurse” Starts

Such campaign is conducted by the Rietumu Charity Fund annually – now for the tenth time. Its patroness is the First Lady of Latvia, Iveta Vejone, and informative support is provided by the Diena newspaper.

20 September 2018, 14:19 Charity & Sponsorship