„The Blossoming Garden” by Zvejsalnieks in Rietumu Bank

22 January 2013, 12:00

An exhibition of one of the brightest, most interesting and recognised modern classics of Latvian painting, Osvalds Zvejsalnieks, has opened at the Art Gallery of Rietumu Bank. It is entitled “Once upon in a Blossoming Garden...”. Works created by the master in plein air in Latvia, Lithuania, Spain and other countries are exhibited.

Osvalds Zvejsalnieks was born in 1944 in Varakļani, Latgale. He graduated from the Art Academy of Latvia, and since 1976 he has been a member of the Latvian Artists Union. Being a professor of the Art Academy of Latvia, Osvalds Zvejsalnieks remains loyal to his native ‘land of lakes’, which is considered to be one of the most picturesque regions in the Baltics.

Latgale has granted the world a magnificent constellation of writers, actors, directors, politicians and certainly, artists. Latgale is the birthplace of such artists as Jehuda Pen, Mark Rothko, Solomon Gershov, Vitaly Kalvans, Pavils Glaudans; Sergey Vinogradov and Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky also had a fruitful and bright period of their artistic lives here.

Now we can speak about the original Latgalian artistic school, the undoubted leader of which is Osvalds Zvejsalnieks. The master resides and works in the Latgale town of Rēzekne, he is the head of the local branch of the Art Academy of Latvia, and the Director of the Art and Design School.

Works of Osvalds Zvejsalnieks have been exhibited in many countries, including Russia, Germany and Japan. Although the author does not aim to sell his paintings, many are currently kept in museums and private collections worldwide.

The current exhibition in Riga provides a unique opportunity to become acquainted with the creative art of this recognised master, which is a rare combination of the classical Latvian artistic school of the 20 th century and the Latgalian original character.

It is characteristic for Osvalds Zvejsalnieks to use bright, rich, saturated colours and themes which are suggested by life itself. Many of his works represent the rural and country landscapes of Latgale – from Rēzekne, Preiļi, and Kraslava amongst others.

As the author says, “Painting, as I understand it, is an emotionally saturated colour. Such emotionally charged colours are the sole characteristic of real art." Osvalds Zvejsalnieks is convinced that the best artists are those who manage to retain the child’s clear perception of the world, combining it with the highest level of professionalism. The master confides that the process of creating paintings gives him real pleasure. Therefore today, he does not strive to stick to any canons in his work and creates absolutely freely, fully giving in to his imagination.

Opening the exhibition, spokesperson of Rietumu Bank, Sergey Grodnikov, noted, “In paintings of Osvalds Zvejsalnieks, one not only can see the remarkable rave of colour, but can also feel zest for life and the natural human optimism, which we lack so much in our everyday hustle. Perhaps, at times it is worth going far away – 300 kilometres from Riga to Rēzekne, in order to return the soul’s purity.”

Osvalds Zvejsalnieks is widely known in Latvian artistic circles not only as an outstanding artist, but also as a talented teacher. As the Latvian Minister of Culture Žanete Jaunzeme-Grende noted at the exhibition opening ceremony, he is really a teacher with a capital “T” – owing to him many young artists have succeeded in finding their way and getting recognition.

At the exhibition opening, the Rēzekne instrumental group Excelsus performed – they have been successfully touring the Nordic countries, Central and Southern Europe and the CIS for more than 10 years.

The exposition “Once in a Blossoming Garden...” will be open at the Rietumu Bank Art Gallery until 20 February. Address: Rietumu Bank Capital Centre, 7 Vesetas St., Riga. The exhibition is open on weekdays from 9.00 to 17.00, entrance is free.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

The Russian Silver Age – in the Museum of Foreign Art, Riga Stock Exchange

The exhibition Silver Age. Russian Art Works from Museum Collections of the Baltic Region. 1890-1930, has been opened in the Museum of Foreign Art, Riga Stock Exchange. It exhibits about two hundred works of outstanding Russian artists, graphic artists and sculptors from museums of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

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