Modern European Art at Rietumu Art Gallery

5 September 2014, 12:00
On Tuesday, the opening of the exhibition “European Artists Meet in Riga” took place at Rietumu Art Gallery. The exhibition presents works of 16 modern artists who represent the international association Syrlin Kunstverein.

The exhibition is organised in cooperation with the Agija Suna Art Gallery.

As the Head of the Syrlin Kunstverein association Wolfgang Wunderlich noted at the exhibition opening: “Visual art is one of the best and simplest means of strengthening cooperation between countries and nations – it is much more efficient than politics. The culture of each country is unique and differs from others, but, when communicating on the language of art, mutual understanding can best be achieved.”

On behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics, guests of the varnishing day were greeted by the Head of the Directorate of Economic and Bilateral Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Einars Semanis.

“I am very glad to participate in the opening of this wonderful exhibition, as painting is a trend of art I have adored since childhood.

The exhibition shows us how Europe is interrelated and integrated on different levels. The EU today is really a union without borders which we could not imagine 25 years ago,” noted the Attache for Cultural Relations of the German Embassy in Latvia Kristopf Klarmann.

Syrlin Kunstverein is an international association of artists which currently unites over 240 participants. The association actively participates in public projects, contributing to the involvement of artists in international artistic events, exhibitions and other projects. Apart from that, Syrlin Kunstverein operates as an art gallery in Stuttgart. The association cooperates tightly with galleries and artistic unions not only in Germany, but also in Switzerland, Spain, the USA and Poland.

The cooperation of Syrlin Kunstverein with Latvia started several years ago. In 2013, works of Latvian artists were presented in Stuttgart; in 2014 the Agija Suna Art Gallery took part in the Mass of Modern Art in Sindelfingen. And now Riga welcomes works of representatives of this artistic association.

Apart from the Head of the Association, the varnishing day was attended by authors of the represented works, Latvian diplomatic representatives, artistic and social circles of the country.

The exhibition is open at the Rietumu Art Gallery (7 Vesetas Street, Riga) on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00. Admission is free. The exhibition will be open until 26 September.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Ambassador of Kazakhstan Golf Tournament Was Held in Riga

The tournament was arranged with the support of Rietumu Bank.

3 September 2014, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship