Annual Parade of Retro Cars Supported by Rietumu will Take Place in Jurmala

22 August 2018, 10:50
The last weekend of the hot Latvian summer 2018 will be celebrated in Jurmala on a grand scale, as usual. On Saturday, 25 August, two hundred antique cars from more than 10 countries will move in a grandiose parade along the streets of the main resort town of Latvia. Jointly with Jurmala City Council, this event is supported by Rietumu Bank Charity Fund.

Traditionally, as the annual parade of retro cars “Retro Jurmala – 2018” will be held in Jurmala for the 19th time, driving sections will alternate with long stops, during which spectators will be able to enjoy the beauty of famous antique cars, watch artistic performances, listen to musicians, take photos with the cars they fancy most and even take a seat in some of them.

This year, for the first time, the “Retro Jurmala – 2018” parade will cross the entire of Jurmala and reach as far as Tukums. The event will be started at 12:00 in Bulduri, at the parking area next to Livu Akvaparks, following the 2.5-hour-long registration of the participants.

“The distinguishing feature of our parade is that a decision to participate in it may be taken by car owners at practically the last moment,” explained Maris Mezapuke, Board Member of the Antique Automobile Club of Latvia – the organiser of the famous Jurmala car rally. “I think, this explains its massive scale. Certainly, we also welcome preliminary registration via the internet. However, honestly speaking, there are many of those who arrive right on the day of the parade, pass a technical commission and... welcome to the start!”

From Bulduri, the cars will start towards Jomas Street, to the very heart of Jurmala, where the first 2-hour-long stop will take place (from 12:30 to 14:30). By the way, according to estimations of the organisers, 200 cars will occupy the entire Jomas Street – from Tirgonu Street to the famous Globe.

The next stop will be on Kauguri Beach, which is scheduled within a period from 15:00 to 16:30.

Then this gorgeous road train will go through Jaunkemeri to Tukums, where from 18:00 to 19:30 the next big stop is planned for fans of antiquity and those who favour beautiful old cars. “We have been invited by Tukums City Council for the first time and we have gladly accepted the offer to include this remarkable city in our route,” said Maris Mezapuke.

“From Tukums, the participants will move to Ronisi camping in Klapkalnciems, where the annual car parade “Retro Jurmala – 2018” will end with a jolly party. This year, its route will stretch to approximately 70 km.

The Antique Automobile Club of Latvia - the organiser of the famous car rally – expect about 200 cars and 300 persons to participate in the event from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Germany and Nordic Countries.

According to Maris Mezapuke, the growing number of both participants and spectators of the parade pleases him very much. “The annual parade of retro cars is an excellent opportunity to see cars from private collections in one place, which have a museum value and cannot be seen routinely on the streets. Last year, about 170 antique cars arrived to our event. It gathered over 23 thousand spectators. This year, we hope to have even greater success, and there are all of the prerequisites for it – starting from big interest on the part of owners of retro cars in the entire of Europe and up to an excellent weather forecast for 25 August.”

“Retro Jurmala” is one of the brightest and mass public events of the summer season in Jurmala. During almost 20 years of its existence, it has become a kind of “anchor” event, which has growing popularity and is constantly expanding, acquiring all kinds of exhibitions, concerts, shows and holidays. The parade of antique cars “Retro Jurmala” is considered to be the biggest event of this type in Latvia and, since 2011, also in the entire Baltic Region.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Videos on French tapestry exhibition

Three videos on French tapestry exhibition taking place in the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design in Riga with Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund’s support, are published on the YouTube channel.

14 August 2018, 17:30 Charity & Sponsorship