Winners of the Inese Galante Talents Contest Receive Awards

16 May 2019, 11:10

The contest is traditionally held with the support of Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund.

The organisers of the event, headed by its inspirer – the opera diva Inese Galante, held this contest for the sixth time, and every event introduces new names in the world of classical music performers.

For the finalists, participation in such a prestigious contest is an important step in establishing their professional career and the win becomes a starting point for conquering the world’s musical Olympus. Many winners of the previous contests successfully perform on the best concert stages worldwide and get awards at the international musical contests.

The winners received cash awards and grants from Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund.

“The artistic level of performers at our contest has been increasing from year to year, and these are not just vague generalities. We are very pleased that schools and academies of music value the significance of our project highly and we are glad to have fruitful cooperation with them. We would like to thank the pedagogues for the high level of preparation of the finalists. It is a real pleasure – to assess young and talented musicians and singers, who excel in their musical and vocal technique,” said the contest patroness and chairperson of the jury Inese Galante.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
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